Tuesday, July 13, 2021


After completing the online session five and all of the homework, please return to this post                 and answer the Essential Question for Session Five by posting a COMMENT to this blog entry.

Describe the five assessments you will use to measure 4MAT instructional skill. 

Be sure to include the criteria you will use to judge the following:  


Imaging the content, 

Content Knowledge, 

Skills in using the content, 

Extension of the learning and the end performance. 


  1. Q1 Left--- I will observe to see that all students has written the description of the golden moment and the relationship problem that was the Q1 Right activity and are engaged in the discussion.

    Q2 Right--- I will watch student presentation of music or image as assigned to be sure they understand the concept.

    Q3 Left--- We will review the worksheet together as a class so we can discuss sticky points.

    Q3 Right--- I will create a brief peer review checklist for students to use and will ask students to use as they review each others' scripts/songs. I will ask for them, along with the song/script at the end of class and return them at the next class with comments (Note.... not sure about the timing on this assessment)but I will also be walking around and eavesdropping.

    Q4 Right---Before students offer relationship advice on air, I will ask them to write out what they want to say and I will review it for accuracy in understanding the situation and the theory, and likeliness that the strategy will be effective. If students have misunderstandings or use a strategy that's outright wrong or likely to be ineffective, then I will pull them aside and question them about alternatives.
    Many of these "assessments" will be either participation points although I will want to more formally "grade" the advice.

    1. This is excellent, Lora. Particularly the remediation climate.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Q1L: Level of Engagement, Fascination, what criteria?
    Students Journal Reactions

    Students will write a Reaction to how they personally feel about the 8th Grade being profiled and discriminated against. Students will journal what they would have to say in a community meeting with those in charge. 

    Q2R: Seeing the Big Picture, what criteria?
    Identify with the Gummy Bears by drawing Facial Expressions

    Students think about The Gummy Bear exercise empathetically and sympathetically while also looking at contributing factors to the segregation in the exercise. Students will draw facial expressions for their Gummy Bear. 

    Q2L: Success with Acquiring Knowledge, what criteria?
    Create Debate Position from Presentation Facts

    After the Japanese Internment Powerpoint is presented and questions are answered students will participate in a debate. Students will use the notes they took from the presentation and take sides. The two sides are: America is right in their actions toward their Japanese citizens OR America is wrong in their actions.  As students debate they will make reference to facts shared in the Powerpoint.

    Q3L: Success with Acquiring Skills, what criteria?
    Post Game Results on Library Blog

    Students do a Blog Post on the Library Blog Page about their experience with the game. They share experiences and characters they identified with the most and why.  https://www.ephesuslibrarian.wordpress.com/

    Q4R: Performance, Creative Use of Material Learned, what criteria?
    Student Art Display & Assembly

    Classroom students Present Art (art, music, poetry, dance, raps etc.) to show their attitudes and mindsets towards discrimination in school assembly

    1. Excellent, very fine right mode strategies along with the left. Well done.

  4. Wanda, I can't see your wheel but Mary sent it to me. Here are some comments I hope are helpful....

    Random idea…..
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y487b7mQj0&t=60s-- is about court case that set US birthright citizenship--- it goes back to the Chinese exclusion act from the late 1800s. I found this as I was looking for cartoons that show stereotypes of different nationalities and races. It really ties into the Japanese-American situation.

    Q2 I found this article that seems to have some cartoons but I couldn’t get it to open the pictures on my computer…..https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/11/racist-anti-immigrant-cartoons-from-the-turn-of-the-20th-century/383248/
    I thought it might be interesting to compare their gummy bear pictures to those from the past. When I show thing like this in class, students are always shocked and insist such things couldn’t happen today. The Serena Williams cartoon that was controversial is a current example. You could talk about how stereotypes in the press dehumanizes and then it’s a short step to things like the internment camps. It would also tie into the graphic novel aspect of the assignment.
    I really like the perform element and the online game. I plan on going back to that myself.
