Tuesday, June 29, 2021


After completing the online session three and all of the homework, please return 

to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Three by posting your 

answer as a COMMENT to this blog entry.

How does your teaching style influence your instructional designs? 


  1. I teach in a journalism and organizational communication program and our students are primarily first generation and under-served populations. They are obsessed with getting a better job-- they aren't learning to learn but to get a better job. This has pushed me toward quadrant three. This is good in that it helps me limit content but also bad in that I tend to shortchange quadrants one and four


  2. I am a four learning but my teaching style is a one. I believe that being a one really affects my instructional design in a great way. I always include quadrant one right and left brain exercises when I teach something new. I always allow time for comments and storytelling from the kids. I am always trying to connect what I am teaching to prior learning by using scenarios and storied examples. I am always creating little fun ways to motivate the kids to learn something new and to be willing to take guesses and to lighten up a bit and have fun. I also lean heavily toward quadrant three because I always try to incorporate some type of hands on learning or free play with the new information. I sandwich the blah-blah into my quadrant 1/3 focus and it usually works out well in leading the students to finish up in quadrant four.

  3. My teaching and learning style are pretty much the same. It makes it challenging to reach the students who are not ready for the excitement of 4 teacher before you can get their buy in. I've noticed over the years I've tried to teach around the wheel because I aim to reach each child. I am one who longs for volunteers to help assist those who need one one one assistance. This helps with my instructional design because I'm able to support my classroom with centers. Centers help me reach most of the students in my classroom because I'm aware of what each group needs.
